Our simple vector database implementation
William Zeng - March 12th, 2024

Standard vector databases worked great for Sweep when we had a single index, but they became a pain as we started managing multiple indices, frequent updates, and self-hosting. Our backend now consists of a single docker image that handles vector search over hundreds of repositories, each with a few thousand files.
We use a simple Redis-based vector database that we can run on our own infrastructure, and we'd like to share it with the community!
Code Walkthrough
Hereโs our implementation: https://github.com/sweepai/sweep/blob/main/docs/public/redis_vector_db.py (opens in a new tab).
To use it you can copy and paste our code into your project and then start Redis with docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis
You'll need to install the following packages:
Here's a usage example:
from redis_vector_db import get_most_similar_texts
query = "example_query"
document = "example_document"
texts = [document for _ in range(n)]
most_similar_texts = get_most_similar_texts(query, texts)
# most_similar_texts is a sorted list of the most similar texts to the query
We also added a couple of configuration options:
Config | Value | Description |
BATCH_SIZE | 512 | The number of texts that will be fetched from redis/embedded at once. |
REDIS_URL | os.environ.get("REDIS_URL", "redis://") | You can point to a remote Redis instance for greater performance. |
CACHE_VERSION | "v0.0.1" | If you change the format/model for the embeddings, you should change this to avoid incorrect cache hits. |
DIMENSIONS_TO_KEEP | 512 | The number of dimensions to keep from the OpenAI embeddings. 512 dimensions worked best in this case. |
This is our main loop. It turns a batch of texts into embeddings, handling cache reads and writes.
# 0. If we don't have a redis client, just call openai
if not redis_client:
return openai_call_embedding(batch)
# 1. Get embeddings from redis, using the hash of the text as the key
embeddings: list[np.ndarray] = [None] * len(batch)
cache_keys = [hash_text(text) + CACHE_VERSION for text in batch]
for i, cache_value in enumerate(redis_client.mget(cache_keys)):
if cache_value:
embeddings[i] = np.array(json.loads(cache_value))
except Exception as e:
# 2. If we have all the embeddings, return them
batch = [text for idx, text in enumerate(batch) if isinstance(embeddings[idx], type(None))]
if len(batch) == 0:
embeddings = np.array(embeddings)
return embeddings
# 3. If we don't have all the embeddings, call openai for the missing ones
new_embeddings = openai_call_embedding(batch)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
logger.exception(f"Timeout error occured while embedding: {e}")
except BadRequestError as e:
# 4. If we get a BadRequestError, truncate the text and try again
batch = [truncate_string_tiktoken(text) for text in batch] # truncation is slow, so we only do it if we have to
new_embeddings = openai_call_embedding(batch)
except Exception as e:
# 5. Place the new embeddings in the correct position
indices = [i for i, emb in enumerate(embeddings) if emb is None]
for i, index in enumerate(indices):
embeddings[index] = new_embeddings[i]
# 6. Store the new embeddings in redis
cache_key: json.dumps(embedding.tolist())
for cache_key, embedding in zip(cache_keys, embeddings)
return np.array(embeddings)
Implementation Details
- The first nuance is that we only truncate the text if we get a BadRequestError. This is because truncation is slow, and we only want to do it if we have to. This is optional, and you can truncate beforehand if you prefer.
- It's important to prune empty strings. Otherwise openai will throw an error without telling you why. We added this line to handle it.
texts = [text if text else " " for text in texts]
Design Choices
We designed our vector database in this way because itโs simple and reliable. We donโt have to worry about managing separate infrastructure, and we can handle a lot of reads/writes.
We need to handle hundreds of codebases with frequent updates
- This architecture does not require any indices. Typically in Pinecone youโd have separate repositories under different namespaces (https://docs.pinecone.io/reference/fetch (opens in a new tab)).
- This makes a lot of sense for a small amount of indices, but becomes cumbersome with a large amount of indices. Weโd also have to manage the reindexing as each user pushes code to their repos (multiple times an hour).
Reliability and developer experience
- Using an external store introduces another dependency for us. Weโd have to handle when Pinecone fails, and itโs not as easily self-hostable.
- Learning how to use a new API and manage new infrastructure was not worth it in this case.
This approach is relatively slow (~1 second per query). We donโt need sub-second latency for our generating pull requests because our GPT4 calls are much slower.
- This is because we process/cache the entire index at runtime. We key our cache on the actual contentโs SHA256 hash.
- A codebase doesnโt tend to change a substantial percentage of itโs files day-to-day. So if we use the actual contents as a hash, we only have to re-embed the diffs. This lets us completely skip offline indexing, simplifying our vector db implementation.
1M+ embeddings in a single index
- This approach doesnโt scale well for indices with 1M+ embeddings. Fortunately for us that hasnโt been a problem yet because the codebases we work with do not usually exceed 30k files.
- We recently began embedding larger chunks, giving us a chunks:doc ratio of about 1.5 or ~45k files. This takes about 1 second to serve, and we own all of the infrastructure!
I don't think everyone needs a separate dependency for their vector database. Depending on how you value development speed, reliability, and latency, you might be better off with a simple self-hosted solution like ours. If you want to see more of Sweep, check out our GitHub repository at https://github.com/sweepai/sweep (opens in a new tab).